I guess this will become a quest. One that I have already started. Who knows where it will finally end up. It will start as a listing of the cammers and a link to their page.
Some of the cam operators are on Camarades. I know some people think this doesn't count, but for this page, I'm including them. After all, they are running a cam for the world to see, and I did meet them. And it's my page and I make the rules.:)
Robin Hood - He is my roommate, but doesn't have a cam site anymore.
Tracy One - A kid in Dallas - He loves jokes.:)
Dallas Dan - A friend of Tracy's
JCowboy - Another Kid in Dallas - A real fun guy.
Keith Cam - You may have noticed, this is same Keith as on the links page. I finally got to meet him on my last trip to San Francisco. Just as nice in person as on cam.
Durlx - He's an interesting guy in New Orleans.
That's all of them, for now. I guess I need to start doing some traveling.:)